Grant Recipients
Grants Awarded:
* Please note Grant awards are published with a year delay due to auditing purposes
American Cancer Society
2000For the Oneida Relay for Life which supports cancer research, education & advocacy efforts.
American Red Cross/Madison-Oneida Chapter
4900For the purchase of equipment used in local Health & Safety course
Bassett Healthcare
50000For the purchase of a new Community Cancer Screening & Early Detection Medical Coach
Bon Secours Community Memorial Hospital
15000For physical renovations & new equipment
Cazenovia College
34000(Part of a multi-year grant totaling $1,000,000)
For campus theatre renovations and a student scholarship in memory of Catherine Cummings Gorman, Class of 1925.
Cazenovia College
2850To sponsor John Bul Dau's speaking engagement. John Bul Dau is a 'Lost Boy' from Sudan.
Central New York Community Arts Council
10000(Part of a multi-year grant totaling $50,000)
For the Stanley theatre renovation and expansion project.
Community Action Partnership
165000To fund a homeless youth shelter
Great Swamp Conservancy
12500For the creation of the Great Swamp Conservancy's Museum of Natural History & Sciences
Madison County Children’s Camp
24341To renovate and update the Main Cabin kitchen facility
Madison County Historical Society
3610To help commemorate the historic New York Central Railroad Depot's Oneida station
Madison County Historical Society
1000Sponsorship for the Hop Fest-an event that promotes the art of craft brewing & the influence of the hop industry on Central New York
Mohawk Valley Christian Education Foundation
25000To support the new 'Messiah Academy'
Oneida Area Daycare Center
4900To purchase sterilization equipment
Oneida Community Mansion House
320000(Part of a multi-year grant totaling $1.6 million dollars)
To acquire historically significant properties
Oneida Healthcare Center
240000(Part of a multi-year grant totaling $1.2 million dollars)
To establish a new imaging center and purchase new MRI equipment
Oneida Rotary Club
5130To sponsor a National World War II Memorial trip for local WWII veterans
The Salvation Army (Oneida Corps)
5000Support for the food pantry and soup kitchen
Sherrill-Kenwood Community Chest
25000Support for local clubs & civic organizations
Skidmore College
60000(Part of a multi-year grant totaling $310,000)
Endowed Gorman Foundation scholarship fund
St. Joseph’s Hospital-College of Nursing
10000For renovations & the installation of a central air system
YMCA of the Greater Tri-Valley
60000(Part of a multi-year grant totaling $300,000)
To expand and renovate Oneida facility